November 23, 2021

Yes, We Have Social Working Services for Caregivers!!

Did you hear the great news yet? We have a social worker for our caregivers!!

That’s right, for any problem you may encounter in your day, know you have someone on our side to help you.

Some things our social worker can help you with include filing out documents, assistance and applying for something, or anything else– you name it, we can help make it happen. 

All Heart is well aware that stressful days are still not over for many of us. We are proud to be a home care agency able to support our employees and community in this time.

If you’ve been financially affected by COVID-19 or experienced any other financial pressure – you may be eligible for help! All Heart is here to provide financial support, and we guarantee the complete confidentiality of your request.

Reach us for more details and advice at 718-627-0300.

All Heart Homecare – Together We Will Overcome!

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